Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits to joining this group?
For Your Patrons
High-quality, free events (no matter your community size, location, or operating budget)
A chance to engage with big name, nationally recognized speakers and timely topics
Pride in professionally presented programs that showcase the power and value of libraries
For Your Library
Allows libraries to plan ahead and know what event options will be further in advance
Offers opportunity to shine a light on high profile topics and conversations within your respective communities
Avoids competing requests for collaboration among RAILS libraries
Streamlines communication between libraries
Provides a template for managing the logistics of each initiative, including marketing
Provides high-quality event production
ILP handles and provides event data and reports to share with your stakeholders and analyze trends
ILP offers opportunities for staff participation and growth, invites staff to lead from all positions, gain skills in large-scale event production, and work side-by-side with experts in the field
How much will it cost?
Our cost structure is based on the operating budget of each library. There are 6 tiers of payment. Members will have access to programs during the 10 month season for a flat fee.
Will each member have a voice in deciding which presenters are chosen?
Yes, if you join a committee or submit an idea! The programming committee plans the programs, but counts on input from member libraries to determine optimal events.
Can member libraries participate in ILP without helping to plan each program?
Yes! Each member will have access to the promotional materials, have the ability to include the event on your library calendar, etc. The committees will primarily be responsible for planning and delivery of the events, saving your library resources while still offering your community high-interest events.
Is the group open to specialized academic or school library types?
Illinois Libraries Present is focusing on public libraries for our first pull season with a plan to re-evaluate after our first year.
Who can I contact to get more information?
E-mail Illinois Libraries Present at or fill out the form on our Contact Us page.
Virtual Events
What programs will you be offering?
Illinois Libraries Present aims to offer virtual programs featuring bestselling fiction and nonfiction authors, well-known presenters who speak on equity, diversity, and inclusion, and diverse speakers on timely and evergreen topics to meet broad interests.
How frequently will events be offered?
Our goal for the 9 month season is to offer 11 programs, including 2 youth or young adult programs.
Will events be primarily for an adult audience, or would they include teen and/or youth events?
We will be offering 2 programs targeted toward the youth or young adult audience during our first season.
Will the virtual events be recorded for participants who cannot attend live?
ILP will work to broaden access and accessibility to all communities through event recordings. However, recording of each event will depend on the terms of each speaker’s contract.
How will library attendance be tracked?
Attendees will be asked at the time of registration from which library they heard about the event and actual number of attendees/viewers will be measured using polls. A spreadsheet of your library's participants will be sent to you following each event to use for IPLAR reporting. Broad event stats and participation numbers will also be shared to demonstrate our collective impact.
What will accessibility supports for events look like, such as live transcripts and ASL translation?
ILP is committed to maximize accessibility in our virtual events offered. Closed Captioning will be offered with every event and live ASL interpreters will be added to select events for the most inclusive experience. Event promotional materials will include accessibility information and other event materials (slides, introductions) will stress our commitment to accessibility.
The Event Production Committee and Programming Committee will coordinate additional accessibility supports upon request.
Will bilingual and/or cultural programming be included in the event options?
The Programming Committee will curate the slate of events, which can include bilingual and/or cultural programming. We look forward to learning from you what bilingual events would benefit your communities.
Will all members have access to the same materials for marketing and promotion?
Yes, members will be asked to use the suites of promotional materials created by Illinois Libraries Present's Marketing Committee rather than create their own. We aim for attractive, consistent promotion that celebrates our collaboration and meets the specifications laid out by speakers.
How much advance notice would we have to be able to decide to participate, and then promote?
While the long-term goal is to plan events 5-6 months in advance, our first season will have a goal of providing program information to libraries 4 months in advance. Every member library may participate in every event, or may opt out if the content, timing or event date do not work for your library.
When the first slate of events is announced, any deadlines to participate will be included.
Are you looking for additional members for committees?
Applications are now open for Marketing, Event Production, and Data/Numbers committees, and we seek broad representation of all library types on every committee. APPLY HERE to join us.
What is Illinois Libraries Present doing to ensure the voices on ILP committee represent and include BIPOC library staff? Regional diversity from across the state?
Illinois Libraries Present is committed to creating a governance team with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind. This commitment means having committee representation from libraries of different sizes, budgets, service areas, and geographical areas, as well as from library staff who bring different skills, experiences, and perspectives to the core planning team. The committee interest form asks for library staff interested in committee work to indicate whether they represent any historically, intentionally, and/or traditionally marginalized people groups. It also asks for library location and library budget, as well as general experience with program development.
Will the committees seek alternative funding or partnerships?
Yes. The Steering Committee is actively seeking grants and may pursue sponsorship(s) to help reduce event and operational costs in the future. Additionally, the Programming Committee will build relationships with independent booksellers to offer book sales when possible.